Tuesday, August 10, 2010

May the FORCE be with You!

We have continued to explore different areas of FORCE over the last few weeks. The children have been involved in looking at magnets, electricity, gravity, pulleys and levers and wheels and axles.

The next stage of our inquiry involves the children deciding on an area of interest and working with a partner on a design brief to create a machine that solves a problem my making a job easier.

Our writing this term has a strong connection to the design brief process with children composing procedures detailing the process involved in how to make or do something.

Mia wrote about how to serve when playing tennis:
  1. Hold the tennis ball up.

  2. Put your tennis rachet beside your hip.

  3. Hit the ball in the square.

  4. Throw the ball up above your head.

  5. Swing your rachet.

In Mathematics we had fun exploring 2D and 3D shapes. The children created some great patterns and tesselations and were able to tell me that tessellations had no gaps.

It is hard to believe that we are almost half way through the term!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I was not at the electricity lesson.
